Quiet times lately. Sophia left for vacation to s. America 10 days ago taking with her a large part of my daily responsibilities and joy. Still the solitude is welcome as I have more time for me for a change. Another beautiful day in paradise awaits as I look out my window on this the 10th day of August. I'm sipping a coffee and listening to WXPN radio's Sleepy Hollow program before I leave for 9am mass.
Today I'll do what I usually do on any given non football Sunday, I'll grab my Sunday paper and head off to the beach for quiet, relaxing indulgence by the water's edge. While there I'll ponder the good old days now gone and what I'd be doing on this day in past years.
Today would've been my dad's 75th birthday. Oh wow,.......as I just typed that last word.....onto my speakers at 8:03 am up came the dulcet sounds of my father's favorite! Frank Sinatra singing "Summer Wind" Now that's odd? I listen to this show every week, and never do I hear Frank Sinatra? I'm gonna take this as a sign that our loved one's are a lot nearer to us somewhere----Happy Birthday Dad.