Friday, May 20, 2005

Ahhh Friday, finally.

Finally!, I haven't yet been able to completely unpack from my sojourn north to Philadelphia so I anticipate a week-end of "getting it together"-- laundry, house cleaning etc. Then I shall retire to my auxiliary office-the beach for some much needed chill time(sorry Chuck). It'll only be 7 days before the next round of northern visitors with the impending arrival of the mighty Yogaman himself, the venerable Flash makes a Memorial Day appearance, beginning at 9am on Friday the 27th at Palm Beach International Airport. His Yoginess will then lead the enlightened to the Juno Beach pier for an impromtu beach session. The FM will be relaxing until Tuesday morning taking in all that the Palm Beaches have to offer....of course not to be outdone our eldest brother Captain Kaos himself makes a "backdoor" entrance as well- sneaking in via the Ronald Reagan Memorial highway (Fl. turnpike). He arrives Friday also and he'll be bringing along support---the EDman...his son who now makes Orlando his the Memorial day weekend looks to be strong and long...I will be stocking up on the Becks in anticpation. So there it is...a 7 day reprieve before the next wave of northern immigrants....that's the beauty of Florida, constant reminders of your northern past....until later...PAYNTERinFLORIDA out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have fun, in the sun, in your little bikini briefs. Don't forget the lotion!

I'll stay over here in the land of eternal drizzle, dreaming of the day I meet a Dutch woman that looks like Frederique van der Waal.

Of course, it that day doesn't come soon, I'm going to buy myself one that looks like her.

Put your toes in the ocean for me.