As Harry Chapin said..."All my life's a circle", God knows this is true. PinF touched down on Wednesday 7/13 with a heavy heart and a mission. Judging by the lack of feedback by the many I know who read PinF, my latest blogs have been heavy. I know this. Life is heavy. Death is heavy. Still life is a CIRCLE, and an bitterly sweet and painful one at that..........................
Still what I found here in Philly is four brothers grieving four different ways, all trying their best to do all they can for a father whose health continues to spiral in ways we cannot understand. What is life, if not the one's you love and hold dear? I am now asking this daily as I deliver unto my father my unrequited love and support in his hospital room. This week has been incredibly painful and retrospective in ways I cannot properly put into words. I am residing for all intents and purposes in a hospital room 10 hours a day. I love my dad, hence my presence here, having dropped completely my life in Florida. Still love isn't always enough when dealing with end of life issues.....I'm trying to do what's right by my dad....
Media has been somewhat of a pressure release as of late......going from hospital to friends...still I come back to the reality of the hospital and what is ultimately to come...God knows it isn't what I'm ready for...yet it's what we've all been preparing for.....more later
sorry about your dad
he's lucky to have a loving, supportive son
My family is recently going through some of the same things, so I sympathize with you. My aunt is in stage-four Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Illness and death are never pretty things, but it reminds you just how much you care about others, and how much they care about you.
My prayers - small comfort though they are - nonetheless are with you and your father.
TIMMMMMMM---HUGS to you and the Brothers Paynter......Hang in there, hang together, laugh, cry, celebrate life....
Love, Trace
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