So it wasn't pretty. I warned them, I told them, I was completely clear that if you lean towards BUSH then my last post wasn't gonna be for you. Yet they still came, a minority mind you; but they were vigorous just the same. Incredible because PinF rarely mixes politics in public, especially when it comes to military forces. Preferring to keep it bit more personal and certainly more simple, commenting on the human condition and the journey therein. In actuality I wasn't really ripping into US policies as much as I was the Jaguar driving Republican bitching at the gas pump last week, (I see prices have adjusted yet again--upward).
For the most part I found that most people were understanding of what I was saying, not that PinF gives a rat's ass if they don't. Sparks began to fly when the younger "right" leaning high school set sounded off....and even this was cool, until some 15 yr old started using language that was kind of uncalled for...attacking not just PinF, but those who made their opinions known here. PinF welcomes all opinions and encourages diversity of views yet PinF had to excercise great control to maintain decorum and not drop the riteous axe of retribution on those less schooled in their choice of words. That saddest part of this was that it would appear that junior high today is heavy on current events, but seriously lacking in spelling skills. Suffice to say, MofC was always popping in to lighten things a bit, so for every angry rant there was some nonsense from Holland peppering the "debate".
What can I say, these are the times we live in here in America. Maybe when PinF's detractor's graduate from high school, they'll be able to travel abroad and get the pulse of our world neighbors, because America is better than this. I still maintain if you took $100 BILLION dollars, and invested a bit more altrusictally, well we could have wiped out a few diseases at the very least. Of course PinF will have to pick and choose his topics carefully in the future; though I still maintain that the majority of America realizes now what we've done was wrong. And with that I leave it alone.....
Art yet again, art mimics life. While reviewing the soon to be released Jah Works album, I stumbled onto Skanking Scotty Paynter's newest chant against this madness in the middle east and decided to put it out there. As we speak the editorial board here at PinF is deciding what volitale topic to comment on later today....betcha can't wait eh?
In order to boost viewer responses during this sweeps month, I'm thinking of changing MofC to the Politics of Chuck - I'm sure I could piss off at least 75% of the population. That could really help my numbers....
So could that talk of "Hursty blowing through your body" I can think of a whole segmnent of men who might sign onto your site.....
I think we passed a few of them at the "old sailor" last night......
About Gas Prices, were so into this war being the reason about rising gas prices, last i remembered we have alaska, couldent we just tap into that. I know the Environmentalists would flip. But isnt it worth it right now?
Hello, Rachel here of "There Goes My Life." Thanks for visiting my blog a while back, feel free to visit anytime, but let's not talk politics. And remember that our president was elected by a majority vote. That's all I'll say... and the GA$ prices do suck. "But freedom don't come free." Have a nice day, great blog.
Amen can tell that to the parents of the 21 Marines who are paying that price, not me.
I didn't see until just right now that you have a 6 1/2 yr. old guest commentator.
Let's hear from her. How was that first day?
natalia my name is sophia thanks for asking for me i am not 6 1/2 i am now 7! i am going to blog tomorrow about 2 grade come back and read it bye sophia
how cute is she!
what a ray of sunshine after all those dark comments
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