Friday, September 09, 2005

Conversations With God

I thought that maybe with all the suffering in New Orleans and Mississippi as of late I should check in with the big know, GOD. It would appear that every other militant, angry, fanatical, axe grinding minister, and anti-abortionist has-- so why shouldn't I? I didn't realize that these so called "leaders" all have an open pipeline to GOD. As it turns out they don't. For if they did, they wouldn't lay claim to recent events being "GOD's wrath".

Remember the movie Oh GOD! with George Burns and John Denver? GOD chose to reveal his disatisfaction with man through a simple servant(Denver); problem was no one would listen. GOD asked Denver to confront a certain minister who was claiming to speak for GOD when he beseeched America for more money to be sent to his ministry. The minister tried to make Denver look like a quack, and pretty much did. The bottom line was that GOD did eventually appear, and in true Hollywood fashion just in the nick of time to prove to a stunned courtroom that Denver was not a quack, and that HE (GOD) exists.

That GOD exists or doesn't exist isn't really my concern, this is a personal belief issue for everyone to work out themselves. I say GOD, and I mean more than one deity, whether it be Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Jehovah and so me GOD is many.....The problem with speaking for GOD arise when certain ministers and fanatics try to grind their idelogical axes into impressionable, searching souls in an effort to justify really their political views.

I've now seen two very documented assertions within the past week that claim New Orlean's destruction to be GOD's wrath. Really now? One comes from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrahkan, and the other from Repent America director Michael Marcavage. Farrahkan claims this is America's come-uppance for our brutality in the middle east, and our mistreatment of the Palestinians. I think this is crap, no matter what side of the ideological fence you sit on. GOD is not a spiteful GOD. If he were, why then has he chosen the weakest, poorest and most undeserving of New Orleans for his wrath? The other disseminator of GOD's will-- Marcavage claims GOD has inflicted this penalty for New Orleans for its abortion clinics, and the general immorality of the city. Sure Mike, that makes sense.

This is what happens when we try to make sense out of a "natural disaster" of epic proportions. Is it not possible that it was only a matter of time statistically speaking, before a major hurricane was going to overwhelm a city far below sea level?. If the Minister's words were true then where is Africa's payback for Rwanda....or Germany's for the Holocaust; how about Cambodia's for the slaughter of over one million people under Pol Pot? These countries appear to be far more deserving of "GOD's wrath" based on the sheer numbers of people murdered. Obviously these so called prophets and ministers neither speak for the majority of Americans, nor do they represent any type of resposible morality when they claim the innocent are taken because of a nation's political policies or women's rights. GOD knows that government's start wars, not people. Still, this is America, and these men are free to say this---I wonder if they would have been able to say this in Rwanda, Cambodia, and Nazi Germany?


Anonymous said...

I believe in God.

I don't believe in the god that they refer to. I hate the culture of fear that is cultivated by these so-called leaders.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we can make sense of a natural disaster. That'd be like trying to make sense of why kids like to put ants under a microscope in the burning daylight of summer. It just happens.

I believe in a loving God, and I also believe that we live on a planet that can produce wildly violent storms. Unless you are a storm chaser for A&E, you should flee from them, maybe hold up in a cheap motel with free HBO, and then return home when the sun comes out. God is on board with free HBO just as much as he is in seeing his planet reak total devastation.

Some things just don't have an easy answer.


Anonymous said...

BLAKE'S AN ANT BURNER! I always knew that guy was a bit off....


yet another prolific observation Chuck

Anonymous said...

Tim--I had the same type of conversation with Ger over the comments by Farrakhan and the Marcavage dude!!! I said to him--God is not a punishing God, what makes those two men think that the poor souls in N.O. should be held accountable for the decadance that they feel takes place in that city????


So true Trac--though in so many ways it only further underscores the many freedoms and responsibilities we have as Americans citizens to ourselves, and more importantly to eachother. Freedoms to express your true thoughts and beliefs, though freedom without responsibility is like a loaded gun left with a child. Those who would use such suffering to stir their congregants are obviously acting irresponsibly, and using the very people whose suffering we all cry for.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya!!!