Wednesday, September 14, 2005

New and Improved !!

By now any regular visitors to PinF will have noticed there have been some changes to the formatting and coloring of the site. In an a constant effort to improve your visit I felt some minor tweaking was in order, hence the changes. You'll still recieve your daily doses of Florida wisdom and observation, just in a cleaner format.

On another note, PinF never mentioned that he surpassed 1000 visits last month! Who exactly was the lucky 1000th I'm not sure. Never the less I would say 1000 was no more important than the 1st, or the 459th; the important point being PinF appreciates each and every visitor. The visits have been far and wide; thanks to the advances of counters I am able to see visitors from such places as China, Norway, Finland, Russia, India, Argentina, Uruguay, UK, France, Italy, Mexico, Belize, Canada, Iran, Venezuela, Mexico and many others. For sure the majority of visits are from here in the US, still it's interesting to note that one person's opinions, musings, and observations are so powerfully broadcasted to the far reaches of the world via this wonderful medium we call the internet. If this keeps up I'm going to have to offer a translating tool on PinF for the non-English reading visitors. Thank you one and all, no matter where you come, as the many visitors are richly and warmly appreciated, and allow PinF to vicariously travel to the many distant lands he hopes to visit in person one day.


Anonymous said...

WOW a 1000 vistors! That's awesome. I knew your blog would be a hit the moment I read it. Keep it coming.


Tedman--you rock. Thanks brother, I appreciate your words and support. I will hopefully raise another pint of Guiness w/you in a few weeks when I sojourn north yet again for a weekend. I still urge all visitors to check the podcast at: Big Up there Ted.....PinF

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hello PinF. Thanx for the birthday wish *hugs*. U keep on blogging ya! Nice one indeed ;)

Anonymous said...

I like the new color. I like the 1000 visitors.

What I don't like is I've only had 879!!! Just can't pull 'em in like I used too......

Anonymous said...

Thats 1255 chuck...but whats another 255 give or take....Chuck we need to relocate you either to Holland or Costa Rica...your posts ellicited more hits when you were out of the country...Hell people can the MofC at Sligo's and the Plum now, not to mention any coffee shed in Media

Anonymous said...

hi pinF...what's up with the conservative blue?
don't go changing...


She's alive.....whoa...thought maybe you were suffering pnuemonia?...CNN you've been ever quiet since the "experience" to me girl...

Anonymous said...

bronchitis took me down
i'm back uP
r u coming north for another blogger convention at slacky's?


As a matter of fact PinF is traveling yet again! Sophia and I have our Franklin Institute/Liberty Bell/Independence Hall/Reading Terminal Market day in about a week...maybe we should plan a Sept. 23rd Blog convention (friday)...or will you be reporting from a natural disaster somewhere?

Anonymous said...

I like the colors too.

Indiana representing! Haha.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's next week. Nice. Let's plan a little get-together.

For the record 1,903 was the actual tally for August....


Chuck I assume that number refers to beers drank by MofC?

Anonymous said...

ooooo, I was thinking you were returning for the Marshallton Triathlon!! Shucks....oh well, enjoy the field trip!!


Sorry, it was one or the other, and Sophia so looks forward to her Fall sojourn and her field trip to the sites in the city....