UPDATE: PinF is happy to announce he will be sending 13 postcards to three different continents, and 6 different countries! Thanks to all who particpated and watch for those cards! A special congratulations goes out to the Mark Peck and his wife Amy, a frequent visitor and most astute commentator--in recognition of their new born son...I'm not sure but rumour has it his name is Paynter....God bless the little guy.
Welcome! If you're a regular you already know PinF is celebrating his 2,000th visitor. So if your seeing this message it's because PinF will be mailing you a Post Card of thanks from his homebase here in S. Florida, USA. If you've just stumbled upon PinF by chance -- welcome just the same. In celebration of all the worldwide visitors and daily readers PinF has decided to send a Florida Postcard to every visitor to PinF who visits between counter number 1,975 through 2,005 (scroll to bottom to see). So, if this is you-- no matter where you are in the world-- send me your mailing address by clicking here-----> paynterinflorida@safe-mail.net and I'll be sending you greetings from South Florida.
I see TMac has wasted no time trying to garner the good favor of a PinF postcard for her refrigerator....damn you're quick...
You said Thursday, I checked the counter.....
I'm only 13 hits away....I'm not sure how I would feel if I pad my statistics.
Maybe I'll just try my luck early tomorrow morning.
Chuck, the window is closing my friend. By the time you read this it may be too late. You need to chase a PinF postcard w/ as much fervor as you would a loose rebound at a St. John's pickup game. Damn it man, you need to be logging in every hour on the hour!
Perhaps this same laissez faire attitude is to blame for the current slump at the (m)AoC?
I just logged on this am and the number was 1,999, so unofficially, I think I am the 2,000th visitor, am I not? I hope I win a trip to Florida to "get some sand in my shoes"
Well, good news and bad.....Good is-- you're all winners for having stopped by the last 5 months. To acknowledge this I'll be scribing my post cards to you all in between Coronas on the beach this weekend. Bad news? ouch---PinF was his own 2000th hit....that's right. Completely by chance mind you, I just logged in to see where we were at and BINGO...PinF is PinF2K!. Still thanks to all.....
THAT IS TOO FUNNY!!! PinF is his own winner!!! Congrats to ya PinF!!!
Last night when I gave up, you were 10 away. At this moment, you are 10plus!!! I couldn't hang any longer, and totally forgot this morning! Drats!
Yes TMac...how fitting. As my reward I will treat myself to an extra scrumptious Key West Sushi Blast!! I will of course allow vicarious enjoyment to fans of PinF by posting a bite-by-bite accounting of this experience, further enhanced by stunning digitally produced photos, so that I may capture the true essence of the food right down to the last sesame seed.....
I hope you get some bad sushi!!!
Where is the disclaimer that says employees of PinF are ineligable???
Oddly enough MofC-- it's contained in the spelling disclaimer..."If a registered Blog writer misspells a common word during the course of authoring any Blog comments, the grand prize shall revert to Blog owner"
I noticed you misspelled "ineligible"...tough one Chuck. Thanks though, PinF
jeez...talk a bout sore sushi losers.....
Caught on a teknocality again! This suks....
(it's not the first time I've complained of not having a spell checker on the comments)
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