Wow! I'm not sure how many readers of PinF have been following this blog,(http://timtraveler.blogspot.com) but for those of you who haven't, may I suggest that you do now. This guy (Tim, coincidentally) has been traveling since late summer from California to Alaska accross the US and then down through the mid-Atlantic states and into Central and South America. Along the way he has been posting incredibly interesting and colorful stories of the people, places, and cultures he has encountered. It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words.....if this is so, then this site is worth over 10 million words because of the image quality he has posted along way, from Machu Pichu, Peru to where he now finds himself--- on the edge of the South American Continent at Tierro del Fuego, Argentina. I have enclosed the above photo posted today taken of an iceberg. Tim's camera quality is as much responsible as his eye, as he has literally hundreds of incredible photos taken of breathtaking mountains, lakes, landscapes, and people. The most incredible fact is that this journey has all been done on a motorcycle!
Check it out.
that picture says one word...phallic
Classy, very classy. Kind of funny that your phalic association is borne of a "frozen" landscape---it speaks volumes.
Still, after further review I'm not sure I'm "seeing" what you're going on about? Maybe it's time you got out tonight CNN.
fan-fricking-tastic sight... loved the pics, and will visit frequently
picture was changed
Right CNN. Better ease up on the afternoon tini's.....
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