Friday, April 14, 2006

Our New Maine Man

UPDATE: Just recieved an email from my "breeder" informing me that my new kitten's father is 32 lbs. and "still growing", she said she felt obligated to let me know that this kitten is going to be "very" large. My response? "Bring him on".
After a week of profound loss and sorrow for our beloved friend and buddy Mr. Peabody, PinF is happy to report that a finalist has been chosen to assume the now vacant throne of Peabody the I.

This said, there can never be another Peabody but there sure as hell can be another Maine Coon. PinF finds this breed of cat to be one of the coolest, most laid back, inquisitive, friendly, and above all--loyal companions that any cat could be. Taking into account there is very little in the gene pool that separates a domestic cat from it's larger and obviously wilder cousin's in the wild--this is quite amazing.

Maine Coon's are almost human like in their insistance that they be "wherever you are". They have got neither the aloofness nor the sneakiness of their "other" domestic cousins. They are quite large (Peabody in his prime was 20lbs. of very relaxed muscle), so any element of surprise is immediately lost with their physical presence alone. Although due to their size I've also found them to be very confrontational if their space is violated, rarely if ever backing down to any animal. Peabody once lept atop a brown Labrador and put the lion's clamp on the back of it's neck as the 80lb male dog ran yelping with Peabody on his back. They are nothing-- if not the fiercest protectors of their domestic domains. PinF loves this attribute....couch potato-to feline super hero.

After an exhaustive, and often emotionally draining canvassing of the the state of Florida PinF has become more educated on Maine Coons than he had as Peabody the I's caretaker and confidant for 15 years. I've spoken to dozens of breeders and afficianados regarding the "application process" and their "screening" after which I've come to the conclusion you may very well be able to adopt a child easier than a Maine Coon kitten. Still, I had to play the game. PinF's initial contact was the heart-string tugging letter--quite by accident really as I was feeling down as the search began. Explaining Sophia's and my loss and then how we need to find a replacement. This approach was obviously a wise one, as we have "automatically" been placed at the top of no less than three waiting list's since we are "grieving" the passing of a Maine Coon, and not first time buyers. PinF has to admit, these Maine Coon people are mighty classy, and very accomodating, further proving that "membership does indeed has its privileges" .

After narrowing the list down from either readily available Coons that were either a little older than we wanted, or not the gender we wanted, or 450 miles away from us-- we were finally contacted by a breeder just south in Dade County. She informed me who upon learning of our plight, that she had one male who would indeed be "very, very, large" who was promised out already, but due to my "grieving" status I would trump this person's wait on the list of next adoption. Cool. PinF is considering applying his grieving status to other purchases....maybe his next motorcycle, or even his "my bananas died, they just turned black"....

And so, without further adieu I have photo of the heir apparent to the now vacant throne of Peabody I, he is only 8 weeks old, as such he will not be released to ascend to his rightful role as Monarch for another 3-4 weeks. He has been informed of his duties--quite simple really. Get fat, chill out, guard the kingdom, make Sophia and myself happy. Simple no? So PinF is now in a holding pattern, his search completed, he sits atop the adoption list waiting (and saving $$$$) prepared to enter into yet another bond of responsibility to another living creature. Sure it would be easier to just worry about myself and Sophia, but it's obvious I got so much more from my cat than he ever got from us; that and the fact that Sophia deserves to have a pet now more than before. Besides, now that she can really enjoy one as a young child and not as a hair tugging toddler. Another real "plus" is that I can assign her "cat litter duty" so maybe this isn't so bad after all. His new name? Tenatively it's "PEABODY-TOO".


Anonymous said...

love him!


Anonymous said...

Move over simone...King PeabodyToo is moving in.

Anonymous said...

sweet kitty!! Peabody 2 is lucky to be coming to you and Sophie :)

Anonymous said...

you are gonna guard the kindom?

Anonymous said...

I'm in love!! I want one!!! Frank says it's either him or the giant cat. . . hmmm. . .

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! P-II is just precious!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you and Sophie have found your new King....I am certain he will serve you both well and teach you a thing or two...was worried about you...happy to see that you are well and climbed back on the horse!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe a cat can be 32lbs! It can't be healthy...

I going to have to research this.