Thursday, June 01, 2006

Promise and Fear

June 1st, a day that holds both the Promise and the Fear. Sounds deep doesn't it?

Allow me to explain.

Yesterday my 2nd grade prodigy Sophia completed what for me was another all too fast year of school, further illustrating just how fleeting the days of our youths' really are. I can remember the same period in my own life and it seemed to take forever to get to the 3rd grade. In as much as I want her to constantly achieve, move forward, and tackle the many other challenges of life, I find myself almost wanting to slow time down. PinF knows all too well the most mundane and simple times will be the days I'll long for the most when she's grown and gone. Sophia was beaming yesterday having earned her standard four B's and one A. Along with her report card came a special accolade, "Best Writer of Class". Now that was cool. Cooler still was that her pride was more in tune with this recognition than her report card. Sophia sees herself as a "communicator" and follows my blog, so she thinks I'm somewhat of a "writer" myself, if nothing else she aspires to the same title.

All of this represents the "Promise". The "Promise" that you're on the right path with regard to your child's direction. The "Promise" that you've seen your child grow not only academically, but also emotionally and physically, especially after a particulary challenging year. The "Promise" of seeing your child revel in yet another summer of their youth, the kind that harken you back to your own youthful adventures, when the day held endless possibilities. The "Promise" of an upcoming vacation that's been planned, discussed and waitied on for months. The "Promise" of summer camp and the mindlessness of having nothing to worry about but fun; the math and reading can wait until August. Summer is the "Promise" in the seasons of our childhood's. For it is in the summer that our own memory lies in the youthful innocence and boundless bliss of doing anything, everything, and nothing all at once. This is the "Promise".

In recalling this time last year, PinF had no way in knowing that he would bear witness to some very fierce hurricanes, or the passing of his father. I "Feared" both of these events, and unluckily for me they both paid a visit in my life at the same time. Yet I did have fair warning. The hurricane prognosticators had painted a dire picture of storms, and my father's health had been failing for sometime. Still I would point out that I don't think anyone really ever gets used to seeing roof's fly from houses, or in my case see a fiber-glass pick-up truck cover blowing down the street. Today June 1, marks the start of the six month hurricane season for 2006. This represents the "Fear". All floridians no matter what their economic station in life "Fear" the next six months. It seems like yesterday I was huddled in my closet hoping the remaining portion of my roof would hold out; praying for deliverance from the howling, destructive winds. Hurricane's are "Fear". Worrying for your family during a hurricane is "Fear", as is deciding what is too much of a storm, and when do you just cut and run? One thing for sure is that last year's storms gave me a better understanding of the inconsequential nature of possesions, as well as the precarious balance of life amidst such acts of nature. This is "Fear".

And so PinF welcomes both the promise and the fear today, June 1st. As is usually the case in life humans tend to be generally more optimistic than fatalistic. PinF is no exception. I see the "Promise" this summer holds and choose to place my focus on such. Still I would be negligent if I didn't keep a wary eye out for the "Fear" that exists. Again the the yin and yang of life, the never ending cycle of diametrically opposed possibilities and outcomes, something I've become accustomed to over the last several years. Right now my eye is on Sophia and her promise, and the vacation we're scheduled to enjoyed in a few weeks' time. The fear can wait until we get back.


Anonymous said...

fear and promise palm beach gardens...sounds like a book title to me! can't wait to see you guys-soon! :) Sophie gets something extra special for her grades but mostly for the writing honor...excellent motivation for her :)

Anonymous said...

I wish we still got "off" for the summer like we did back when. Now there is really nothing to break up the year, the days just all blend together.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how "promise" and "fear" can mean such different things at various stages of our lives? Your sweet Sophia is full of innocence and interested in everything around her. At one time, my children were much like Sophia, looking forward to summers full of playing ball, swimming, playing hide n' seek with the neighborhood kids. Now all in their 20s, the promise for them is the future, but it is also the fear. My fear has always been that I screwed up and they wouldn't find the path to adulthood successfully. But, all three have demonstrated their ability to find their way in their own way. For this I am thankful.

Anonymous said...

put it back