PinF hasn't gone anywhere.
Same PinF channel, same PinF time. Yes my blog was temporarily inaccesible---temporarily, I say. Truth be told I was motviated after viewing the new upgrade to AKJN to technicolor, and started dabbling in the "template" area of the Blogger Console. A technical "quicksand" area for PinF, as I was trying to make some changes on the "fly".....bad idea. PinF was in over his head. I eventually gave up, figuring I would make an attempt another day. Much to my surprise I had tweaked something, problem was I didn't know what? I dispatached the tech nerds immediately-- suffice to say the source of my snafu was located and dealt with. It really wasn't until I recieved several distress emails that I even realized I had done something. In a sense it was kid-technicolor herself, AKJN who sounded the alarm---good one JGLOW. So PinF is back...unimproved, un-technicolored, and basically the same. Leaving just the words to provide the illumuniation.
well alright then!
nice new digs :)
I'm digging the new look!
At least you didn't make the worlds most classic blunder......
pinf-doesn't it get crazy when you are "in" the blog??? I seriously do think I damaged my eyes, but it was so cool to check out what's behind our pages...loving the ability to use colors :)
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