First day of summer, longest day of the year. The rains have come to Florida ever so slowly, erasing the drought conditions we've been under for months here in Florida. Sophia is busy doing her camp thing everyday and loving it. A good mix of swimming, museum trips, and amusement parks. She busily goes about her summer days with her friends. Still, in the back of her mind as well her her parents' there's been a sort of unspoken anticipation, maybe nervous anticipation would better describe the days.

Followers of PinF are well aware of Sophie's affinity for American Idol and her asserion that she too was going to be a musician. So much so that she took up the guitar this year, and though her interest has at times waned and the guitar has sat idle there remains one constant--the singing. Sophie loves singing and not just your standard Disney channel fare, her likes are quite eclectic and often "old school". And so it was about a month ago when I received an email from her music teacher sent out to all parents regarding the upcoming auditions for the Young Singers of the Palm Beaches. A yearly occurance open to kids in Palm Beach County in grades 3-12.
Aware of the possible pitfalls and pressures of "auditions" I light washed the subject one day on the way to school. Sophie was in from the start. I emailed the choir director and was given an audtion slot and instructions to bring "sheet music" for the song she would sing. Sophie wasn't having any of my suggestions (My Country 'Tis of Thee, or maybe Silent Night). No Sophie knew what she was going to sing--Corinne Bailey-Rae. CBR? Yup, she assured me, that's what she wanted. So it was that I listened to her sing "Put Your Records On" maybe 100 times in a one week span. She was good, but I knew nerves would be present, so again I suggested a simpler, more easily memorized song--she remained steadfast. What could PinF do? I bought the sheet music. She had afterall become quite good, I was probably more afraid of her not being asked to join something I explained to her was a possibility since the choir is renowned troupe. She was unfazed. If nothing else the kid has moxie. We pressed on, she practiced, and the day steadily approached.
The day arrived two weeks ago. We arrived at the Kravis Center for the arts in downtown for her 12:40 audition. As soon as we walked in I knew this wasn't church choir stuff.....children and their parents lined the halls, practicing musical scales and singing operatic bits. Even to this point the parent in me was more concerned for her psyche, suggesting that "she doesn't have to do this" after she revealed to me she was "scared". Sophie replied "papi I do have to do it". This of course gave me great pride in her bravery. No sooner had we signed in and out popped a head from the studio calling "Sophia!!"....a woman appeared and led her away down the hall, she turned gave me a nercvous hug and in she walked. Gulp.
Ten minutes later she was out and her piano accompanist told me "she did well", and that we would hear the results within two weeks. So it was. I haven't mentioned one word since, deciding instead to low key it, in case she wasn't asked to join. I didn't mention either that they sang in Austria last year and New York too. Everyday I waited for an unrecognized number to appear on my cell. None came. She didn't mention, neither did I. Meanwhile she had discovered her new favorite web site, a karaoke site that lets you upload thousands of songs and be judged by your peers, this was a good distraction. She hasn't stopped. So today I walk in and she's laying down her new track, "Smoke on the Water". I hadn't told her that her answer had arrived in the mail, opting instead to call her mami so that she too could be here when Sophie read it.

The letter brought tears to her little eyes, she was so proud, so happy, she just welled up. A real achievement, as she did it all by herself. I don't know about all only children, but she seems to embrace challenge, always striving as an individual. I couldn't be more proud or happy for her. I can't wait until orientation now, as I'm hoping there's a European show this year as well. And so it was on the longest day of the year, elation, tears, and pride.