Ever notice those barf bags when you're busy making sure your tray table is stowed away and your seat is in the upright position on your flight? Well PinF has and as a result will not soon forget the carnage he endured on his mega 14 hour journey to London. I must re-wind to put this tale in proper perspective. I left the chill AC coddled confines of Palm Beach International only to be delayed for about an hour taking off due to weather related back-ups...surely code for industry "incompetence", nevertheless my trusted and comical blogmate CNN had left me a message noting that she was counting on meeting me at the airport Marriot upon arrival.....and so we did. Her Powdaness arrived fashionably late, wearing the hickey-hiding scarf look, equally excited as she was set to travel to Block Island, RI. for her musical weekend.
Of course was trying tokeep it real --and healthy and thought if he were going to drink he'd keep it to the scotch, reasoning there must be less carbs? Cnn was belting Stellas and PinF was soon encouraged to join her (which he did), at about this point in the afternoon CNN begins contemplating burning some do-re-me on a ticket on PinF's flight and continuing the party with PinF. Lucky for her she didn't. The flight didn't actually go well, but once again, pulled out the gate like a tortoise on qualudes (another 1 hr delay). Eventually PinF had dinner, enjoyed a movie and retired to his bed....that's right-- bed. PinF was the only hipster on the flight with four seats....so he prepared a bed and went into a Stalla/Scotch coma.
I was awoken at 8am, (3 am Philly time) to be informed we're 1:20 minutes outside of London Gatwick, and that we should landjust a little later than expected...and then outta no where the A330 Scarebus takes a bolt of lightning...nothing really except loud noise and white light...the Captain comes over the intercom to calm the worried passengers and annouces that London is receiveing a "severe cycle of storms", and that we'll circle until we can be given a landing slot. This eventually turned into 45 minute torture-turbulance massage ..... and then it happened...the woman 2 rows up and one row over YAKS!!!! I couldn't blame her actually becuse I felt horrible as well, next thing PinF knows there's about 10 people YAKKING.....and each one who sat next to a yakker started losing it as well.....I'm now on the stomach-juice express...after all was said and done there were about 30 people yakking...we eventually landed safely and spent aother 3 hours on the tarmac....Long story short I arrived haggard, weary, and grossed out....
...to be cont....
Day 1
So PinF finally completed the arduous task of locking down the southern offices of PinF and securing care for Bo the "meatball"cat of Sophia. I diligently re-filled all my new "pills" for the heart and blood pressure, threw away any items that may spoil in my absence. There was but one task left--bidding a semi-tearful farewell to Little Ms. Florida Sunshine herself. I start my day at 6AM at the gym....I'm on the beach at 7AM....it's therepeutic,, resoring, and allows my mind to slow down and get ready.......
Here I now sit at the civilized and almost enjoyable Palm Beach Airport. This gets me to thinking that anyone who has onlived here in West Palm Beach has no idea how blessed they are with such an airport. I don't take it for granted, I love this airport. So outs comes the laptop--gotta kill some time. I'm thinking of where I'm going, who I'll see, how much I need some time and then it appears. An attractive red haired woman, athetically shapely, fashionably refined with black skirt, black heels, and the "message".
Obviously a message. The last two weeks have been just this...balanced, strengthening all with a new focus. Question is.....can I maintain throughout the journey I begin? I hope so, I'll update as I go.
I'll post the photo when I land at my connection. For now the Pilate Hotty is looking my way so I don't want her to see the photo, she'll think I'm some kooky stalker.......
you are on your way :)
my boyz are flying across the ocean today...
glad I got to talk to you in Philly :)
can't wait for the travelling posts!
Ahhhhh, I don't remember the call to come meet you at the airport??
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