Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Long Days of Time

We sat at an outdoor plaza, its fountains dancing in the late day sun as laughing children streamed about tossing pennies and nickels into the water as father's stopped to pose for photos with their children. I mentioned to Sophia as we enjoyed our dish's at her favorite Italian restaurant that today was the summer solstice--the longest day of the year. And as I told her this I thought to myself what a wonderful metaphor for this-- my father's day with her that it should fall on a day that is longer than any other, since what we all seek is more time. More time to live, experience, laugh, and enjoy.

I had 44 Father's Days' with my dad and I wondered as she spoke so animatedly and passionately about everything a ten year-old girl discusses with her dad, whether I too would get at least 34 more "Days" like this. We all want to live long and healthy lives, filled with rich experiences and satisfying days. Yet 34 more years seems so "soon", though in reality my daughter would be almost 50 in 34 years.

And so it was as we enjoyed each other's company gabbing about everything and nothing, my little girl not looking so "little" anymore as toddlers caught my eye tying to touch the splashing water of the fountains. Still, as the sky painted the evening in pastel colors over her shoulder, I was able to drink in all that this one day really means. We so often stumble through the days, weeks, months and years until one day we wake up and our parents begin to look like our grandparents, we begin look like our parents, and our children all of a sudden look like us. Fitting indeed that I had the extra daylight, the extra hour, and extra time to appreciate my beautiful daughter and stop to appreciate that which I try not to take for granted.
Being a father is one thing you never really think too much about until you are one. Though once you are, you struggle to recall a time when you thought of anything else really. It's one of life's riddles in a way. So there we sat, enjoying an Italian gelato and still gabbing, only now we were discussing our upcoming vacation. It felt good just being in the moment especially since by virtue of the calender it was an extra few moments on an extra glorious summer day.

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