Took the day off today.
Sophia is sick with strep throat, the first illness of the year, potentially knocking her out of contention for her first spelling quiz of the year tomorrow. She's touch and go right now, though her sense of pride and duty have her claiming that she'll be in school tomorrow. She's on the SOP of anti-biotic for 10 days, and a diet high in fluids, so we'll just have to make a launch-pad call tomorrow morning regarding whether she's a GO for school tomorrow.
In one way it's good she gets sick now since Sophia doesn't really miss much school to illness, actually she really doesn't get sick but one a year, usually the same old culprits---strep, ear infections, or the plain old cold. Funny enough the kid probably misses more school due to sanctioned travel than she does illness. You know they're sick though when they take a nap in the afternoon, she's been in and out all day, battling a slight fever and nasty raw cough. It's been a straight diet of Campbell's, Gatorade, water and cherry Popsicles.
Still, a little down time allows PinF to get his house in order---something I haven't addressed in earnest since returning from Europe---so I'm on the top-to-bottom cleaning mission. Seeing how my weekends are usually spent outdoors, it's actually good to have a little time to straighten things up.
Speaking of spelling quiz's, PinF has updated his blog somewhat, trying to keep up with recent technologies offered to Blogger. On my last post, directly below this, you'll notice I've added a technological bit of candy to the post----and this one is bittersweet, it is the lost footage of Sophia's Spelling Bee 2006. If nothing else it drives her---to be even more vigilante and better prepared....hence her reticence at missing tomorrow's spelling quiz. Not to mention she was without doubt the cutest entrant that day.
The other update is long overdue. Ever since PinF returned from Europe he's noticed more an more European IP addresses visiting. So out of deference to my non-English speaking visitors I've added the translation tool to PinF. you never know when one of my friends from China or Brazil will be stopping by. The other new feature, would be my first off-shoot Blog, PinF's reading list. This area is still under construction so be careful, though essentially it'll be a forum to suggest, discuss, and review books. I've read so many great one's in the past 6 months, and they're kind of like movies, in that if they aren't fresh on your mind it's often hard to recommend them. So this will be a place where they can be recommended. So that's about it, just a few minor tweaks here and there. Ok, gotta finish running the vaccum and then get some type of dinner ready for patient #1.
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