Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Turtles and Books

Windy Tuesday in Florida. So windy that PinF and Sophia had to head on over to the beach themselves to see firsthand the devastation being inflicted upon our coasts. Aside from the all too familiar condo owners bemoaning the loss of sand on their beaches, there was an even greater concern for the PinF's. Hundred's if not thousands of turtle nests have been lost the past several days all along the treasure coast of Florida as 10+ foot seas have ravaged us.

We approached the beach with caution. What had once been beaches at least 40 yards deep have now been reduced to maybe 10 yards of sand followed by a sheer drop of maybe 4-6 feet into the angry, churned up sea. The sight of it is a bit overwhelming, what with the site of hundreds of ping-pong ball looking turtle eggs scattered about and the eroded coast it certainly warrants listening to the experts about rising seas.

After shooting some photos, collecting a few empty turtle eggs for Sophia's science class we were off. I had a score to settle with little PinF for an exemplary week of school last week. Proud papi that I am, I found myself almost surprised when after returning home from school after her induction into the Student of the Month club last week, Sophia informed me she needed my help writing a speech. A speech I asked, for S-of-the-M? Sophia told me no, not for that. For what I asked? Student Council she replied. I didn't even know there was SC in 4th grade, nevertheless it was clear she wasn't resting on S-of-the-M laurels, so I told her to write the speech and i would edit it. Sophia informed she was one of 5 "candidates" and they all had to give their speeches and then vote afterward. Wow, I thought-- what moxie.

So it was she shipped off to school that next morning, she and I practicing the speech for the umpteenth time, right up until when she bailed out in front of the school. Unflappable Sophie was ready, she certainly seemed a lot calmer than me. I told her to call me first thing after school. I was confident, but then again you know how kids are, issues mean nothing, alliances and cliques mean everything. Her issues? recycling, and school store hours--getting them improved. She also proposes placing a question box in her class where her classmates can drop questions and concerns they want raised when their representative goes to student council. They loved this idea, her opponent went the sweet tooth route---and age old ploy. Promising smoothies in the lunchroom, something I never knew any 4th grader to deliver on.

Bottom line--Sophia Wins!!!....Certainly a week for her to remember, first S-of-the-M and now this. I told her she just earned a nice trip to Barnes & Noble for her accomplishments, something we've been doing since she was about 3 when I gave her the option of one Chinese made piece of toy crap, or five books. She's always taken the books. Plus I knew from NPR that there was an excellent new novel out, primarily for teens, but her reading comprehension, not to mention appetite demands more of a challenge anyway.

The result? Sophia went to bed a little early so she could read some more of "Click". What a neat book, I suspect it won't be long before it's a national best seller. I'm gonna read it after her as it looks so well written I think I'll enjoy it too. I know she does. paris hilton, pakistan, iraq, bhutto, brittney spears, breast, alicia keys, justin timberlake, kenya, oil, dollar, hollywood, sex,

1 comment:

akjn westside said...

Congrats to Sophie...she really is a VIP...that's delicious news