Thursday, May 26, 2005

Memorial Day +4 part 2

A good friend responded to my latest Memorial Day observation quite astutely when he mentioned not only is he also annoyed with the whole Tillman fiasco he also mentioned another forgotten "hero" Jessica Lynch. This brave young woman took a bullet and kept shooting untill her ammo ran out, only to use her knife. We've since learned that this too was an embellishment of the facts. This lead me to wonder if this wasn't a concerted effort on the part of the military, designed to glorify these individuals and in the process, make the enlistment even more attractive to any wanna be youngsters.

I wonder how many 18-year-olds are presently receiving basic training that may have enlisted inspired by the heroic-- if not less than honest portrayal of these individuals. Of course regardless of what they did, they are to be commended, but outright lying by the military establishment is very worrisome in a time of so much suffering already. Funny how this administration decrys the "false' depictions and imflamatory stories Al Jazeera and other Arab outlets produce, it seems to be a case of the kettle calling the pot black.....

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