Tuesday, October 11, 2005

2000 Friends of PinF !

I happened to notice that PinF is quickly approaching 2000k visits. It's nice to know that there are people spread near and far around the global community who stop in from time to time to see what's got my attention on any given day.

Lately it seems we've been in a glut of catostrophic news stories, what with Katrina, the California wildfires, Pakistan/Kashmir earthquake, and now Guatemala and its devestating floods. This harkens back to what Nation of Islam leader Louis Farakhan stated after Katrina, (most incorrectly and irresponsibly I might add). I had commented on the fact that he had assigned blame for Katrina as God's wrath towards the United States for our policies in the middle east. The recent turn of events in Pakistan and Guatemala has me wondering what God is mad about now? As it appears he is nothing if not an equal opportunity God, spreading suffering and destruction equally throught the Christian, Muslim, and Hindu countries. I'll have to stay tuned to Mr. Farakhan's rantings in the next few days as he is much like the National Inquirer with his bombastic statements, specifically designed to call attention to him and his idealogies.

So, back to the upcoming "visitor 2000" I'm excited, and have been trying to think of something to mark this occasion. I'm considering mailing out some postcards to where ever in the world I receive visits from on this day. And for the actual "visitor 2000"? Not sure, still thinking that one through-- maybe I'll do a PinF biography to be featured on PinF of whomever, from wherever, makes the "2000th" post. So if your a regular, or if you just happen to scroll on by; may I suggest scrolling to the bottom of this page to take a look at the counter to see if in fact you are "the one"?

Judging by my daily visit average, I should hit 2000k on Thursday sometime -- any person from anywhere in the world can leave their address to have a genuine PinF postcard mailed to their corner of the world. I do however have to limit this offer, so lets say anyone who emails their address starting from visitor numbers 1,975 to 2,005, these people will recive a postcard mailed from the PinF offices here in sunny, warm Florida. You can email me your address to paynterinflorida@safe-mail.net. Mind the counter though, no visitor before 1,976 will receive a postcard.


Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...



Ha ha ha...maybe you will be...I'm thinking a roundtrip ticket to PinF Hdqtrs. may be in order....unless of course the person who wins is my visitor from Australia, then they get PinF to pay 1/4 of the fare!

Anonymous said...

Sunny Fla, in PinF's office??? I can take that. It is pretty dreary in PA recently!!!


Ur killing me...mind you, my office is "naturally" lit, and has no central air per se.....though it does include a very large body of water

Anonymous said...

PERFECT, should I bring my suit?