Tuesday, February 07, 2006

If You Lie Long Enough.....

Before you read this click here.

The few times that PinF has ventured into sensitive political issues he has ultimately invoked the ire of someone, specifically on the rabid right. PinF was in fact once a strong supporter of Republican polictics, at least when John McCain seemed to have had a chance of winning; sadly even he was a target of the "machine". Imagine a decorated, highly educated man of unquestioned moral character and honor was himself derided by the George machine. Now PinF is a strong Independent, choosing instead to seek politicians whose word is reflected by their deed, sadly even democrats have been guilty of the dirty tricks that the Republicans seem to stand for anymore. Irrespective of where you stand on the morality of war, there are some discerning points to be made. So I have to speak out. So I will.

How can a President be impeached for a little "adult fun" between two consenting adults in the White House, yet his predecessor can wage a war with an immoral agenda of death, destruction, and political meddling in sovereign nation's affairs, virtually unchallenged? Only in America I say. The only moral man of George W's administration resigned, deeply troubled by the bending if not total skewering of the facts. We have commited $18Billion dollars to the rebuilding of the grand and historically significant city of New Orleans. Yet this amount pales in comparison to the untold hundreds of billions of dollars we are spending to win an unwinnable war. Let us not mention our greatest and most precious assests-- our young American soldier's lives that are exposed to death and dismemberment daily in the pursuit of stomping out terrorism. Have we as a nation learned nothing by the agressive anti-terror campaign of Israel? They could not wipe terrorism out and neither can we. History will record the folly with which George and his minions believed they could.

It has been estimated that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now cost the United States $4Billion dollars a month. In terms of George Bush's estimates, we could theoretically rebuild 3 major US cities this year. This is blood money, fueled by greed, natural resources and lies. George started "our war" off with $87Billion dollars in 2003, yet he has consistently come back for more and more....when do we as a nation wake up and start asking at what price? Can anyone even imagine $87Billion dollars? I couldn't, but now you can-- Look Here to see how scary and out of control this meglamaniac is. This war is not what "we" as a people stand for, nor is being treated as if you are less than American if you take a stand against it. It seems mighty peculiar to PinF that everytime a Democrat makes a challenge to this President or his policies, his name and indeed his career accomplishments are dragged through the mud by the evil non-miltary serving minions of George Bush. How we allow these men to hold positions of power when so much is at stake is beyond PinF, quite frankly it leaves me wondering where we are headed as a nation if we launch into wars based on lies and skewered intelligence. I for one feel no safer, nor prouder to be an American now based on our policy of bullying nations, and killing innocents, while evil men propagate the lies that accompany our policies.

Ok then. Let the right wing rhetoric and abuse begin. I love my country, but I hate it's policies of lies and hipocracies.
Cigars and sex = Impeachment, war and lies = a "holy crusade" of lunacy. Wow I feel better already.


Anonymous said...

Go get em PinF good go!!!

Anonymous said...

As long as our Country is run by wealthy, white males who crave control and power, we will have cigars and sex, wars and lies. Let's not kid ourselves -- both parties are equally guilty of dirty tricks, deceit and opportunism. My "Dream Team" would be any combination of Colin Powell, Joe Lieberman and John McCain -- all thoughtful, intelligent, articulate people who are capable of meaningful dialog and who seem to abhor the everyday crap of politicking for self-purpose. Neither of their parties will support them in any Presidential election .. . so sad . . . and so scary.

Anonymous said...

PinF...your post is why everything ak and I do now are all in preparation to eventually live in Europe...I love my country also, but have had enough..especially when my Time mag this week reads like my People mag regarding all the Hllywd awards ceremonies and the success of Kelly Clarkson-who cares?
Thanks for the email...will write later today :) but needed to comment on your post..

Anonymous said...

Naw-Naw, Chomp-Chomp, Chrunch-Chrunch....Oh, you said "right wing"?

I thought you said "chicken wing" and I went out for some crispy fried.....

I loved that link at the top, except for I couldn't stop looking at that counter go around and around.

Like I said, the nice thing about George W. getting re-elected, is now he can't - again. Small consolation I'm afraid.