Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Lies, "Bad" News, and More Lies

NOTE: PinF hasn't had a politically motivated rant in awhile. I couldn't help myself.

Where else but in America can two adults engage in consenual sexual relations that would result in an impeachment of an American President?

Where else but in America can an over-zealous millionaire with a score to settle for his daddy engage in a totally false, immoral, and destructive war---once again against people of color, and consider his cause and mission to be just and holy?

Are these not the ironies and oxymorons of the times we live in? When PinF was a kid there was strong movement throughout the US to spray paint the words "Nixon now" underneath the word "stop" on STOP signs. This of course was considered for the times- blatant vandalism, not to mention un-American.

How ironic that in the 30 years since then we should come to find how un-just, ill-advised, and needlessly prolonged this travesty of American foreign policy was (VIETNAM), and yet we now enter another period of questionable policies and leadership. To add insult to injury, we eventually would come to find that as the highest elected official in the country Nixon was nothing more than a racist, common crook himself. He cloaked himself in both word and deed in falsehoods. Still there was fervent support for this man; even later in his shamed life as he was much sought out for advice on both political strategies and policies. His Secretary of State Kissinger was himself also later disgraced with allegations of his personal endorsement of Pinochet's junta against thousands of souls never to be heard from again.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Could there be a more appropriate adage for the times we now face? Anyone who dares dissent against the failed policies of Bush's destruction, war, and world domination are deemed "unAmerican". Complain about the dissolving state of afairs in Iraq and "you don't support the troops". Never mind that there is a growing chorus of retired Generals now coming out against Rumsfield and his (BUSH's) failed policies rooted in both intimidation and lies.

So now here we are half way into a regally failed administration where we've lowered taxes, increased spending by billions upon billions on a foolish and clearly unwise and unnecessary war--and I ask, FOR WHAT? There were no WMD's. Not to mention, while we've lowered all the government revenue we've been beseeched by the single largest terrorist calamity ever, along with hurricane after hurricane plaguing our atlantic and gulf coasts. Oh yeah, "Americans are safer now", I had almost forgotten. Now I see the village idiot on television harping about "price gouging" with regard to gasoline. Is this whole country asleep? Are we drunk on the false financial elixyr we've been fed? This policy, and indeed this administration is a house of cards, when it all falls is the question.

PinF is no Wharton economist though surely this senseless form of government fiscal irresponsibility and lies that propogate them must resonate even with some Republicans? You cannot conduct a $4 billion dollar a month war and continue to cut to taxes. It's as if Bush is the pied piper is leading us all into fiscal hell so long as interest rates are low, and my tax refund is large. I challenge anyone to name one significant domestic policy or lasting social achievement in 6 years? What ever happend to that all important mandate on "no child left behind"?

How can we as a nation not to mention as the leaders of the free world, human rights, and of the God given liberties we hold so dear have gone so astray? This entire cabinent is corrupt in one form or another. We have a Vice President who until becoming VP was the chairman of the board of the single biggest contractor to the war effort. Mind you, Halliburton doesn't compete with its bids. Coincidence?

PinF is ashamed of the bullying hipocrit his country has become. The Bush administration always complains the "news media" only reports the bad things that happen in Iraq. True. That's news George, I would counter that a robbery in Texas carries more newsworthiness than than a groundbreaking for a new daycare. To be fair, I would also suggest that the American people haven't been told the half of the atrocities, deaths, and mutilations of innocent Iraqi's...of whom there have been tens of thousands killed in the pursuit of your safer America. We have created more hatred and terrorists than we'll ever kill.

have heard time and again from the talking heads of the right-- brain washed by the "reasons" for this war, how Clinton "blew it" and how he could have had Bin Laden but failed to act. This indeed has some merit. The big difference between Clinton and Bush's policies are indeed stark. We had peace, prosperity and no war with Clinton, we also had a balanced budget and an incredible economy. We must also acknowledge the world was a very dangerous place with terrorists operating freely. With Bush we have war, financial instability, record national debts, and a precarious economy pumped up by distracting tax breaks, primarily to the rich. We arguably have a much more dangerous world, the difference being that after all the billions spent and thousands of precious American lives lost and maimed--we still have all the terrorists operating freely. PinF was no fan of Clinton the man--though it would seem that Clinton the President offered this country much more than dread, fear, and war.

Bush could have had Bin Laden too...he instead allowed Rumsfeld to farm this mission out to the Pashtun and Afghani tribesmen instead of an all out assault by the professionally trained and brave soldiers. These are the very same brave and willing soldiers we now allow to be slaughtered by the faceless enemies of Iraq courtesy of IED's.

Clinton also was wiser in the sense that he did not allow himself to be baited into a bloody, no-win war either. When we lost the Army Rangers in Mogadishu we cut our losses and got the hell out of hell. It was clear to both he and his Secretary of Defense that nothing good could come out of escalating such an incident. Further proving that the better part of valor is discretion. Conversely, Bush appears to become more stupid with every bungled objective and battle. Instead of realizing the futility of his policies, he pours in even more money. all while continuing to expend the most precious of all our commodities as a nation ---our young soldiers live's.
All for what? To do daddy right? To remove an aleady isolated despot? What a joke. An incrediby sad one at that.

Now comes George to the rescue (again)...help us.
He piously preens on the news regarding price gouging in the gasoline supplies....well duh. You started a fricking war in the middle of the world's most economically rich and vulnerable spot all at once!! Oh and if this wasn't enough? Now we have death thirsty militants in charge of the Palestinian people, and to top off George's legacy...well he might just get to drop a tactical nuclear bomb. Now there's a presidential accomplishment.

How insanely ironic that the first deliberate nuke since Hiroshima should be used in an attempt to stop exactly what we'll be dropping on the heads of the Iranians. Well at least we're all safe here on the "home front". Now if we can only get "them" to stop reporting just the bad news.........


Anonymous said...

As you stated, with all the knowledge we have of the past, that the same horrific mistakes are being made again.
It is disheartening...and adds to my urge to move abroad with my Dane.

Anonymous said...

Wow...couldn't have said it better myself...it's as if an evil tide is sweeping over our planet, imposed upon us by the selfish and self-serving attitudes of those in power who have their own agenda..I can only hope that the other adage "it gets worse before it gets better" can be applied here, since the balance is so "off" right now....our world is headed for some big changes, that's for sure, and we could certainly use some Divine intervention...may those of us who can see this whole situation for what it really is have the courage and the conviction to salvage humanity before it's too late..

Anonymous said...

OA is coming back to the USA to start working on this right away.
I am reading H.S. graduation rates among Blacks and Hispanics is around 50%.
The question is where to start.



I assume you refer to George's plan for No Child Left Behind?

Anonymous said...

You make valid points PINF but I do seriously have to ask you one question..Why are there no terrorists blowing themselves up on buses in New York, Philadelphia and LA? Seems to me the easiest and most destructive act of terrorism available (in terms of physical and psychological damage). I just wonder why this tactic is used on an almost daily basis throughout the world, but not here in the "heart of the beast" as our enemeies like to refer to us. I'm not arguing with anything you said, I would like your opinion on this as I have been wondering about it for some time now.


PP--Again my twinkie loving friend you prove you really are on the "ball", hopefully not the Hostess "snowball". I see where you're going with this point, though it is a flawed point. You cannot disprove an action simply but the absence of a reaction.

For example just because we have not been visitd by aliens, does not prove that they don't exist.

Coversely, just because we have not been attacked, does not prove it is because of George's anti-terrorist measures. The reason you primarily see the attacks overseas is primarily for two reasons...The US already has almost 200,000 military targets for the terrorists available without them trying to subvert the security measures here. Secondly they attack the European countries because of their propensity to be intimidated by such attacks ie: Spain, Romania etc.

Don't think for a moment, we're safe...it's coming brother--- George has created another generation of US haters and killers, they are just now being issued their toy guns, tomorrow they'll get the real ones. Besides how safe are you really if you have to live in a box?....

Judging by these measure were we then safer under Clinton since "he" prevented the terrorists from killings thousands of Americans?

Anonymous said...

po'd....just paid $56 at the pumps to fill up.....that just isn't right....it's going to be like the 70's again when they started making locks for car tanks, and driving miles away for cheaper gas..thanks to the entire Bush family.

Anonymous said...

I'll give you one lasting social achievement that Bush has - he got himself reelected. (that might be the only one)

You went on quite a ramble there PinF.


PinF can only take so many kids being flashed on my nightly newscast shipped home dead Chuck. Unlike Philly, WPB is a smaller TV market so the killed in action make more news here than there.....I'm going on record because not enough people--- Republicans, Democrats or any others are doing enough shouting of their dissatisfaction. We can, and WE SHOULD expect better.

A great country like this and George Bush is the best we have to offer? War is the only thing we have to sell the world? We must demand answers, solutions...and more responsible policies than half baked wars from a bunch of cowardly, non-military serving beauracrats.

Anonymous said...

George Bush is NOT the best we have to offer! Unfortunately, because of left AND right wing extremists, great candidates like Lieberman and McCain will never get the support of their parties to enter a presidential race. Although I am a conservatively-based person, I find the political climate nowadays appalling. No one LISTENS!! We rarely are witness to meaningful, thoughtful dialog. What we see is bitterness, hostility, and spin. Each elected official has their own agenda and their supporters (not constituents) have their own spin. And if you're not wealthy, white and male with a thirst for power, you haven't got a chance. Before we can demand answers and solutions and responsible policies, we must somehow demand and support candidates who are not beholden to PACs and other donors. Grassroots movements?? I think you're the guy to move things along, PinF.


HMM....a PinF/TEK ticket? I like it....

Anonymous said...

What's the residency requirement in WPB?? I'll get packing tonight!


Presidency...residency--->UR Tek...Get moving