Now here I was changed as well, I was at her school attending her Christmas pageant alone; I was OK with this as usual my concern was more for her comfort. I could see her mother on the other side of the auditorium also alone. 8,760 hours. This time last year I was still married; my father was whole in both mind and spirit, and Sophia was doing her Christmas show in front of both her parents. Now my father lies in a hospital bed in a sort of limbo as I am asked daily to make more and more decisions regarding his care, always hoping the decisions I make are for the greater good of both his future and ours-- his son's. Still my salvation is in knowing despite all that has changed Sophia continues to thrive and succeed at all her endeavors and walk in the light of her parent's love. I'm secure in the knowledge that in these 8,760 hours, these were events that I didn't have control of per se, events were occuring that I could only weather, not change. I can only control the outcome of these events in that I try to assure her that though the physical make-up of her surroundings have changed, as well as her parent's locations, the one thing that 8,760 hours hasn't changed is how much pride and joy she brings to me, not to mention how loved she is.
The 8,760 hours since last Christmas have not been easy ones for sure. Ever the optomist that I am, I'm well aware that just as I have made it through the upset and changes of this past year, I'll be that much stronger and past them this time next year. Many questions still surround much of the changes of the past year for my father, my daughter, and me. One thing I am sure of is that the number 8,760 in of itself sounds huge, when in fact it all went by so fast. And like those hours that have flown by, I know that the number represents many more good times and memories than sad ones. Tonight was just one example of this as I watched her come off that stage all excited and proud, and in that one hour I saw in her all the joy she has despite all that has changed in her in these past 8,760 hours. The other change I noticed as we watched the rest of the show is that I'm getting older and she's getting bigger because my shoulders are killing me from her sitting on them so that she could see the show.
PinF--Some day, this will be a wonderful collection of stories for Little 'Violet'. Keep up the good work, I love being a voyuer of your nice little life in FLA!!!!
Thanks TMac.....funny stuff eh? That picture kills me. Yeah I have a well developed little collection of things I'm keeping for her one day....I know often some of these stories can only be truly related to by people with like experiences, so I'm sure you can see much of your children in many of my experiences...much love...PinF
I dooo love that picture!! I had a Ninja Turtle many moons ago, and have pics to prove it as well!
studiokafi images, including one of uncle skanker?
PinF, It's time to go big time. What do you say we get you a column with the NY Times.
You're that GOOD!
Truly humbled TedMan.... Thanks, PinF
Ditto Tedman, I am with ya!
i thought you were a writer by trade? PinF column is needed.
Really--- you are all too kind...PinF will advance signed copies of his first book to all of you, GRATIS of course....it would seem PinF's Christmas has come early in the form of so many nice compliments....blessings
notas de sophia - historia de un padre soltero....
still pondering? there's more commentary.
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